Memory and Database Usage Indicator

Indicate Memory Load Consumption and db size Usage on WordPress Backend. Show Memory Load and db size on Footer, and Max Memory Load on Admin Bar or ToolBar.

View the Project on GitHub sLaNGjI/wp-memory-db-indicator

=== Memory usage db size === Contributors: sLaNGjI Donate link: Tags: sLaNGjIs, admin-bar, backend, dashboard, db, footer, load, memory, size, toolbar, usage, max, peak, leak, limit, mysqli, Requires at least: 3.1 Tested up to: 4.3 Stable tag: 2013.0124.2016.2 License: GPLv2 or later License URI:

indicate wordpress memory usage with db size consumption on dashboard admin control panel footer and show max memory load peak to admin bar or toolbar

== Description ==

Display the memory usage with db size consumptionon, on dashboard admin control panel footer, show max memory load peak to backend and frontend admin bar or toolbar, indicate detailed debug healh informations on footer view source text. This is usefull when you've got limited PHP memory available, or limited db quote, and are trying to keep track on how much you've got left. - Build 2016-01-30 -

Based and Derived Directly from Almost Famous WP Overview (lite)

Specifications and Requirements:


WordPress from 3.1+ to 4.5+ and PHP from 5.2.1 or greater


WordPress from 3.1+ to 4.3+ and PHP from 5.2.1 to 5.4.45 only


WordPress from 3.1+ to 3.2+ only


WordPress 3.3+ or greater


PHP 5.5+/5.6+/7.0+ or later and greater (possible errors on db module)

Dear user of plugins or themes: Missed Schedule is a WordPress Bug!

sLaNGjIs Team has started official adventure on forum since 2007!

Everything was very different from today: the plugins and themes developed by us were much less, and also the users who used it.

The traffic generated by users of the forum has increased exponentially, and in the same way also the requests for assistance have increased exponentially.

In the near future this increase will be even more pronounced, as a result of the great success of WordPress.

By contrast, both the posts and threads definable requests and those definable trash are very difficult to finding and follow: the time necessary for this purpose, now, longer a nightmare that one added value service, real.

The problems of this type of assistance, through that instruments, have been deemed ineffective by more and more developers excellent, while the tools available for this workload considered inadequate to many of them.

Many of these developers have already abandoned this platform of assistance by providing others methods of support.

Our team has tried to respond to all for more long years, and maintained the support forums for plugins and themes developed always clean.

Due to this big limitation of platform, and the result of failing to provide a service that gives us satisfaction, as of today August 15 2014, we abandon the active support of this type of structure, started since July 7 2007, to try to give one type of personalized service, targeted to the requests of real user utilization and totally Free of Charge:

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  2. Suggestions sLaNGjIs Contact
  3. Support sLaNGjIs Premium

Possibility that some of us then reply or write on it, will be very low! == Philosophy == The sLaNGjIs Team Philosophy.

sLaNGjIs Team plugins and themes are NoLogo

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